My Little Box Review | February

My Little Box  is definitely one of my favourite subscription boxes. They’re supposed to be delivered on the 20th of each month, however, I got my February box through on 10th which was a surprise – but a good one! I drafted this post up 19 days ago and have only just gotten round to finishing and uploading it, so my apologies for that!

This months theme is “My Little Home Box”. I currently live at home with my parents so I can’t yet make full use of this, but I am going to hang on to this box until I get my own place. It made me so excited to take the next step in my life!

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I’ve Been Nominated for the Liebster Award!

Hello! So I have now been blogging for just under 3 months, and this last week I have been nominated by two people for the Liebster Award and I could not have been more surprised! I was nominated by both Alluring Alaska and Sophie’s Sparkles and am very grateful to these girls for nominating me! Please do go and check out their blogs as they are both fab writers and always write interesting and helpful posts!

Although both girls nominated me for the same award, both of their posts had different rules, so I have decided to combine both posts for my nominees!

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*NEW BOX SUBSCRIPTION* | Cohorted Beauty Box – January

Hello! So I’ve mentioned a few times now that I really wanted to subscribe to the Cohorted subscription box. This particular box is quite a bit pricier than the most common boxes at £35, but all the products you receive are designer and the box content always adds up to something crazy like £200! I received my first box a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve only just got round to reviewing it. So here is what I received in my January Cohorted box!

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To My Bullies: Thank You

Hello! Firstly I want to apologise for practically disappearing off of the face of the earth and not posting anything, replying to comments or reading your blogs for the last week. I have been busy working, preparing for my new job and catching up with friends, so I took a little break from blogging. Today’s post is a little different to my usual posts, but it’s one that I’ve wanted to write for a while. I know what you’re probably thinking, why on earth would I want to thank the people that bullied me? There are actually many reasons I want to thank them, but firstly, a bit of background.

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Valentines On a Budget

Hello! So like many others who are in a relationship, I love Valentines Day. For me, it’s not receiving gifts that’s important; it’s about appreciating one another. Now don’t get me wrong, I think couples should appreciate each other regardless of what day of the year it is, but having a special day dedicated to you both just reminds you how important that person is to you. We can get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to thank our other halves for everything they do for you, so Valentines Day really gives you a reason to stop and appreciate all those little things.

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BIRCHBOX Review | February

Okay first up, Does anyone else almost type “bitchbox” every time they try to write “birchbox”? It happens to me constantly. Every. Single. Time. Is it just me? Do I just swear too much? Whatever it is, I’ve nearly slipped up so many times! But anyway, onto my review of this months BIRCHBOX!

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February GlossyBox Review | Love Is In The Air

Hello! It’s only been a couple of weeks since I last wrote my January GlossyBox review as I was a GlossyBox newbie quite late into January, but my February box is here and bursting at the seams, so read on to find out what was in store this month!

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Avon Haul

Hello! So I had a little Christmas money left over and Avon had a January sale on, so I decided to try a few bits and pieces from the brochure. I’ve never had Avon makeup before, but they have started to expand their range and I always love the perfumes, so I thought I would give their makeup line a go. My entire order only cost me £32, which is really good considering the amount I ordered!

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January Favourites

Hello! So this is only my second ever favourites post, but looking back on my December one, I think I went a bit OTT with the favourites and listed way too many. It was probably really boring to read, but hey, I was new. I have learnt from my error and this month I have chosen a select few products from my ever-growing collection to share with you as my January favourites!

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